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Getting to grips with phimosis - how it became a personal mission

I'm a 50-something man who enjoys messing around with materials and tools. If something works well in one situation then I will often see if it could also work in another scenario. One of my beliefs is that humans should seek, wherever possible, be fix basic issues around us using the tools, materials and knowledge at our disposal.


So I believe we should, where we can and where it's appropriate, embrace the means means to look after our health, our homes, our cars and bikes, tools, appliances etc. Right to repair is a good thing and that includes trying to fix, or manage, one's body using the resources we can access, and that includes phimosis.


For some guys, surgery is necessary (e.g. lichen sclerosus) but stretching, for many men, works and men should be able to get what they need (equipment & information) to fix or manage their phimosis. That perspective led me to develop the tool part of this solution and also to look into NSAIDs and steroids which I talk about in the How to Stretch part of this site. 


Medical experts are absolutely essential - no doubt - but it feels good when we can fix a problem ourselves using items we can purchase. If you can control the basic stuff in your life then you have agency and autonomy and that is a good thing. Power to the people. When things get too difficult, or too much of a risk, then you head to the nearest expert.


Our ancestors prized this kind of knowledge and today, with an even greater abundance of tools, materials and know-how available, we should continue that mission. In my humble opinion. And when we find fixes that can benefit others, who have the same problem, we should share them.​



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